Top Ten Big Brother Twist Ideas

1Pandora's Box Returns

2America as HOH

3BB Roulette

4Hidden Power of Veto

5Survivor vs Big Brother

6Reverse Psychology

7Double Rewind

8School Reunion

9The HOH is also a nominee at the same time

10Topsy Turvy

11Triple Threat

12No One Is Safe

13Contestants From The Mole and Survivor in the house

14Double POV

15Double Jeopardy

16Clans Twist

172 HoHs, 5 nominees, a special comp, 2 evictees

18Veto a Veto

19Julie Has Power

20The Revenge Twist

21Put a Whole Classroom In There

22Keep Vote Count Secret

23Safe 9 Key

24Heroes vs Villains


26Celebrities vs Non Celebrities

27Uncover a Secret Mole

28Secret Partner

29House's Nominee

30Glass Box

31Double Trouble

32Someone Gets Locked in the Secret Room for a Day, No One Knows What Happened to Them.

33Fake Houseguest

34From the Bottom to the Top

35Mole vs Big Brother