Top 10 Worst Things Severus Snape Did in the Harry Potter Books and Films

1Became a Death Eater

2Bullied students

3Murdered Albus Dumbledore

4Out Remus Lupin as a werewolf

5Only cared about Lily, not James or even little Harry Potter

6Deducted points from Gryffindor because Hermione was "being an insufferable know-it-all"

7Created the Sectumsempra spell

8Made Neville almost poison his pet

9Called Lily Potter a Mudblood

10Didn't get over Lily hooking up with James

11Wanted Sirius and Lupin to have the Dementor's Kiss

12Left his Potions book in Hogwarts with curses written inside

13Invented curses

14Insulted James because he preferred Gryffindor

15Cast Levicorpus on James before James did

16Showed favoritism towards Slytherin students

17Took his anger towards James Potter out on Harry Potter

18Tried to cast Sectumsempra on James