Top 10 Best Things to Do for a 16th Birthday

1Tube down the river

2Water balloon/water gun war & smores bonfire

3Go hiking to a nice cleared area and hang

4Have a retro costume party

5Go busking/jamming

Go busking/jamming

6Go to the mall

Go to the mall

7Go downtown and toke

8Throw a huge party

9Go for ice cream with friends

Go for ice cream with friends

10Get laid

11Go to a concert

Go to a concert



13Hit on random people

14Go skating

15Eat cheese

16Drive in movie

Drive in movie

17Hangout with friends

Hangout with friends

18Get wasted

19Murder mystery dinner theater

20Stay a weekend at a hotel

Stay a weekend at a hotel

21Do an escape room

22See a movie

See a movie

23Go swimming

Go swimming

24Travel over the weekend

25Karaoke bar

26Start a new hobby

27Go to the spa

28Eat cake

Eat cake

29Go on a vacation

30Sky dive

31Cry that you have no friends/social life

32Play video games

33Dance party on the lake

34Work out

35Go out to a fancy dinner