Top 10 Interesting Facts About Cars

1The Benz Patent-Motorwagen is the world's first car

The Benz Patent-Motorwagen is the world

2It would take less than 6 months to drive to the moon

It would take less than 6 months to drive to the moon

3The American Dream is the longest car in the world

The American Dream is the longest car in the world

4The most popular car color is white

The most popular car color is white

5The slowest car in the world is the Peel P50

The slowest car in the world is the Peel P50

6The first speeding ticket was issued in 1896

7Chevrolet was the first to introduce the car radio

895% of a car's lifetime is spent parked

9There is an estimate of over 1.4 billion cars on Earth

10The word car is derived from a latin word: Carrum