Top Ten Creepiest Things In Your School

1A student that stares at you all day

A student that stares at you all day

2A giant wasp flying around in your classroom

A giant wasp flying around in your classroom



4Students that live next to a cemetery

Students that live next to a cemetery

5Your rusty old locker

Your rusty old locker

6A dead animal next to or under your principal's desk

7Your librarian

Your librarian

8Psychotic murderous students

9A dead rat in your locker

A dead rat in your locker

10The kid that never talks

11The student you hate

12Suspicious van

Suspicious van

13The lunch lady

14School shootings

School shootings

15People who draw private parts on stuff

16An evil scientist in science class

17Darkness while it's dark outside



19School cops

School cops

20The kid that always does/says creepy stuff

21That one teacher

22Girls obsessing over you

23Haunted rooms

24Special ed teacher that constantly stalks you

25Math teachers

26Creepy neighbors.

27Fire alarms

28The ACT test


30School nurses

31The janitor

The janitor