Top Ten Worst Things About Having Aspergers Syndrome

1You often take things very literally

2You have trouble expressing your emotions

3You have sensory hypersensitivity

You have sensory hypersensitivity

4You have trouble estimating someone elses emotions

5You have trouble communicating when meeting new people

6You have difficulty staying in a friendship

You have difficulty staying in a friendship

7You have difficulty figuring out what other people think

8You have trouble dealing with unexpected changes

9Some individuals talk a lot against themselves



11Some individuals act pedantic

12You are more likely to have sleeping problems

You are more likely to have sleeping problems

13Social Issues


15You have trouble seeing the difference between reality and fantasy

16Your motor skills are less developed

17Trouble with speech


19You are the punching bag of your family

20Being pressured to conform

Being pressured to conform

21Time management issues

Time management issues

22Concentration problems