Worst Things That Could Happen to You In Minecraft

1Mining a lot of diamonds then dying in lava

2Getting lost

3A creeper destroying your house

4Your pet cat/dog dying because you accidentally left clicked

5Accidentally pressing Q instead of W and throwing thing in lava

6Being shoved off a cliff by a cow

7Dying/getting lost in the Nether with valuable items

8Your only pickaxe breaks right as you find diamonds

9Building an awesome thing and then respawning and losing it

10Not having food

11Dying in "Hardcore" mode

12Trolled on a server

13Going to the Nether and spawn right beneath lava, not noticing you're right beneath lava and dying

14Getting buried by a happy face made of sand

15Going to the Nether and getting surprised by 5 ghasts shooting you

1615 zombies attacking you at the same time

17Getting killed in Berserk mode

18Getting trolled from someone as Herobrine

19Getting lava'd

20Herobrine is after you

21Finding Diamond, gets killed, spawns In the middle of nowhere

22Needing one more piece of sugar can to make a map

23Your berserk sword breaks

24Your world gets corrupted

25Being one block away from finishing something

26Your wooden house gets hit by lightning and it burns, so you pick up all your diamond and run outside where you got blown up by a creeper

27Spawning in the middle of nowhere

28Getting your own iron golem turned against you

29Getting excited when finding diamond and it falls into lava

30Getting excited when finding diamond and only getting one piece

31Going to the Nether and a ghast disables your portal and you have no flint and steel or obsidian

32You put your best stuff in a chest and your best friend took it

33Dying before you have a bed, and losing everything because you spawn far away

34Dying, and then re-spawn and never find the area you died and if you do, all your stuff de-spawned already

35Mining diamond with a stone pickaxe