Top Ten Reasons Why Pokémon Go Isn't that Fun Anymore

1Gym battles are almost impossible

2Bag gets full too easily

3It drains your battery

4If you don't go anywhere you only find Pidgeys and Rattatas

5It drains your cellular data

6People die while playing it or get seriously hurt

7People fight over the teams

8Disturbing moments

9People who don't play it see people playing Pokémon Go in their yards and they have no idea what's going on

10It got extremely overrated

11The gameplay is repetitive

12They fixed the glitch where your Pokémon doesn't survive at 1 hp anymore

13Only has gen 1 Pokemon

14Most of the gyms only have Dragonites, Snorlaxes, Laprases, Exeggutors and Arcanines

15When you get to higher levels you need insane amounts of Exp to level up

16The battles are boring

17Keeps crashing

18Servers are unreliable

19It is too cold to go outside anymore

20You have to buy a $500 phone if you don't want the game to lag

21Pokeballs are almost impossible to obtain

22No more Legendary Pokemon

23Most Pokemon, especially starters, take at least five great balls or an ultra ball to catch.

24Niantic doesn't like people hacking the game

25People find dead bodies

26It gets boring very quickly

27Nobody wants to move around.

28Stupidity causes people to kill themselves

29Your favorite Pokemon isn't available in the wild such as Shinx