Things We Really Shouldn't Laugh At But Do

1Racist Jokes

Racist Jokes

2A Foreigner Speaking English Badly

3Sexist Jokes

4Someone Tripping Over

5Someone Struggling With Their Shopping

Someone Struggling With Their Shopping

6Watching a Kid Getting Spanked in Public

Watching a Kid Getting Spanked in Public

7Someone Wearing A Neck-Brace

Someone Wearing A Neck-Brace

8People With Aspergers

People With Aspergers

9Watching Someone Fall Off the Roof

10Someone Getting Hit In the Crotch

11A Weird Sounding Name

12When You Catch Someone Masturbating

13A Fat Woman In Leggings

14Someone Who's Lost Their Winning Lottery Ticket

15Autistic People

16Someone Who Has Big Ears/Nose

17Someone Farting In Public


19When Someone Is Upset Because Their Pet Goldfish Has Died

20Someone With Dried Food On Their Face


22People Getting Hurt

23The Fact that This List is Really Messed Up

24Yo Mama Jokes

25Someone Mentioning Osama Bin Laden or Hitler

26When Someone is Sad Because Their Pet Cat Died


28People Naked

29Gay People

30People Dying



32Someone With Tourettes

33Sandy Hook Elementary

34When a Friend Falls

35Someone With a Stutter