Worst Types of Players in Prison Life (Roblox)

1Guards that help prisoners constantly

2Criminals that shoot prisoners constantly

3Prisoners that just shoot criminals for no reason

4Guards with gamepasses that get butthurt when you know they're noobs

5Guards that keep shooting prisoners for no reason

6Guards that kill, arrest, or taser for no reason

7Prisoners that beat up their allies for no reason

8People who lie about how good they are a lot

9Massive groups of people acting like friends

10Criminals that reset when tasered

11Guards that shoot criminals



14Prisoners who threaten their opponents

15Criminals that rage when tasered

16Try Hards

17Prisoners who bully cops to annoy them

18Annoying police


20Speed exploiters

21Role players

22Prisoners who crowd up around the door outside of the guard'™s quarters

23Auto clickers

24Players who camp their opponents spawn just to kill them

25Patrol teams

26Bullies/guards watching you

27Lag Switchers

28The cops who escape

29Criminal cops

30Cops that jump around to not get shot

31People who call everyone noobs

32Guests cops

33Riot police

34Guards that arrest you instead of putting you in your cell/noob guards

35Players who pick on noobs