Top 10 Reasons Why Terraria is Better Than Minecraft

1Kinder community

2Over 100 guns, weapons, and powers

3More creative

4More content and updates

5More combat

6More ways to complete the game

7Better character appearance

8Terraria was made several months before Minecraft

9Better ores and armor

10Items never break

11Better graphics

12More fun to play by yourself

13More enemies

14You can collect costumes

15You can fight a gigantic mechanical santa

16Lasts longer

17Better mods

18Less lag

19Terraria has music and sounds for each biome

20You can save characters and go on other worlds

21More mature community

22More items

23More exciting

24More of a challenge

25It's 2-D

26Harmless mobs

27Better boss battles

28More fantasy based

29More useful NPCs

30Fewer perverted kids

31More things to do

32It has classes of weapons

33Cooler 'creepers'

34More mature

35More fun