Top 10 Biggest Problems With Star Wars: The Force Awakens

1It's a remake of A New Hope


2Rey using the force without any training

Rey using the force without any training

3Finn and Rey being able to fight Kylo Ren despite never using lightsabers before

Finn and Rey being able to fight Kylo Ren despite never using lightsabers before

4Kylo Ren having tantrums

5Terrible CGI

6Kylo Ren's plan makes no sense

7Luke Skywalker's one minute cameo

8Han Solo's death

9Kylo Ren removing his mask

Kylo Ren removing his mask

10Lupita Nyong'o

Lupita Nyong

11Supreme Leader Snoke

Supreme Leader Snoke

12Lacks originality

13General Hux speech

General Hux speech

14So many questions.

15Starkiller Base is just another Death Star

16The lightsaber fight

17The new characters

18The story doesn't make any sense

19Finn is too pointless

20The rebels are the resistance

21How Luke is portrayed

22Too much CGI


24Daisy Ridley

Daisy Ridley

25BB-8 replacing R2-D2

26The empire is now called the First Order

27Han Solo is too old

28Darth Vader's mask

29Adding a Beastie Boys-influenced character

30Lando Calrissian wasn't in it

31Mark Hamill was second in the credits

Mark Hamill was second in the credits

32Maz Kanata is only 5-10 minutes in the movie

33Kylo Ren is a whiny brat

34"The Resistance" is just a rip-off of the rebels

35Luke/Anakin's Lightsaber