Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Facebook

1Letting your friends know every single detail about what you're doing

2Sending invitations

3Having a Twitter-like layout

4Inability to change the background

5People you dislike friending you

6Receiving event invites

7Using "IS" inappropriately

8People spending 20 hours a day on Facebook

9Your friends

10Encountering cyberbullying

11Stupid wannabe bands sending you friend requests

12Seeing teen swag pages

13Females receiving hundreds of likes for stupid status updates

14Excessive Justin Bieber and One Direction content

15Using "Poke"

16People liking everyone's birthday post except yours

17Posting "poor, pitiful me" statuses

18Stalking people's lives constantly, leading to decreased self-esteem

19Creating "lost my cell phone number" groups

20People chatting with each other on your wall

21Using #SWAG

22Lack of face-to-face communication

23Encountering kids aged 4 to 13

24Reading embarrassing comments

25Adults uploading awkward pictures

26Receiving application requests

27Getting useless notifications

28People saying, "If you don't repost this status, you will die"

29Engaging in hatching eggs

30People creating lists of the most annoying things about Facebook

31Everyone complaining about the new layout

32Being deleted by one of your "friends"

33Having your email inbox get overloaded

34Friends forcing you into groups without your permission

35Random people adding you