Top 10 Funniest Ways to Die

1Telling your parents 'I'M GONNA BE SOMEBODY!!' then getting hit by a bus

2Dying whilst making a list of the 'Top 10 funniest ways to die'

3Going through a McDonald's drive through and order 10 burgers 20 fries and take the fries and shove them up your nose and say woogleboogle and drive straight into a pole.

4Accidently beating yourself up

5Jumping off a skyscraper, then being sniped midway

6Being machine gunned to death by a cheesecake

7Attempting to poop but head explodes due to too much pressure

8The funniest way to die is by laughing, of course

9About to snipe someone on Call of Duty and being sniped at the same time in real life

10Hard crotch kick

11Dividing 0 by 0 on a calculator, which creates a black hole you get sucked in where Justin Beiber is the best singer in the new universe and you commit suicide.

12Choking on oxygen.

13Being hit by a car, then whilst in the air, hitting another car.

14Having a huge rant about how odd it is someone dying from swine flu, then dying from swine flu

15Being Allergic to Cuteness and Then Buying an Ugly Cat for It to Have Babies That Are the Cutest Thing On Earth, Finding You Don't Really Have an Allergy and Being Mauled to Death by the Cats.

16Falling from the chair

17Avalanche of naked girls

18Doing the Worm Off a Cliff

19Firing a minigun from the wrong end

20Making a top ten list of this while dying

21Being Justin Bieber and getting eaten by rabid teenage boys

Being Justin Bieber and getting eaten by rabid teenage boys

22Taking a bath in the boiler

23Threatening a guy online to come round your house (giving away your address) then watching him actually going to your house, with a gun

24Death by monkeys

25Being Tortured to Death by a Chicken Nugget

26Running into KFC, screaming, "what's up my n*****" and hoping you don't get shot. But you do. Everyone does.

27Waiting in agony on 12-21-2012, then the world ends the day after

28Eating McDonald's

29Scream "I'm going to get hit by a car!"

30Staring at Barney all night and/or day

31Be punched in the face by an egg

32Falling into a grave and getting crushed by a coffin

33Climb up the stairs of the Empire State Building to commit suicide at the top and fall back down the stairs on your head

34Yelling at someone on Xbox Live, promising them you will kill them, then having a heart attack online

35Crashing in Happy Wheels, then getting ran over by a real Segway