Top Ten Ways You Know You're Addicted to TheTopTens

1You make lists in the early hours of the morning

2You keep every message sent to you

3Your only social life is the one with your TopTen friends

4During the day you wonder if what you're doing would make a good list

5You feel numb when you eventually drag yourself away from it

6You wake up in a cold sweat, thinking that, "Oh God! What am I doing sleeping?! I should be making lists"

7You flip out when your moms takes away your computer

8Almost every aspect of your life is on a list

9You make a list and call it: You know You're Addicted to TheTopTens When. . .

10You are reading this list

11You check yourself in to rehab to try and break the addiction

12When you make out a shopping list, yot title it: Top Ten Things I Need To Get From Tesco and then add a comment under each item

13You make up a medical condition , calling it TopTens Cramp, and then convince yourself that there's no cure

14You're on this website at school

15You stay up late just to be on TheTopTens

16You know who Evan Taubenfeld is

17You always get upset when your lists aren't approved

18You get upset when the item you added didn't get approved

19Everything you see morphs into the form of a list

20You go from loving to hating Justin Bieber

21You have more than one account

22You get upset when your images aren't approved