Best Things Done by Firestar / Fireheart

1Kiled Scourge

2Saved Bluestar

3Helped Riverclan When the Forest Was Flooded

4Saved Ravenpaw

5Mated With Sandstorm

6Leading Thunderclan

7Killed Whitethroat

8Killed Tigerstar (The Tenth Time)

9Brought Clans to the Lake

10Brought SkyClan Back

11Stopped the Dog Pack

12He's Annoying and Stupid

13He Ate Mapleshade

14Saved Clans More Than Once

15Killing the Rat King

16Brought Windclan Back

17Leaving Smudge So He Wouldn't Become Too Fat

18Died to Save Every Cat in the Last Hope

19Lost His Life Saving His Clan

20Fathered Squirrelflight and Leafpool

21Invited Clans to Sunningrocks

22Trained Cloudtail

23Brought Yellowfang to Thunderclan

24Brought the Clans to Peace

25Surviving an Attack by Rats

26Inviting Cloudtail