Top 10 Worst About Things Valentine's Day

1Many people break up on Valentine's Day

Many people break up on Valentine

2Lots of people are depressed

Lots of people are depressed

3You'll probably get bad service if you bring your date out for dinner


4There's the pressure to propose


5If they're not man and woman, couples get discriminated against

If they

6First dates on Valentine's Day usually don't go well

First dates on Valentine

7The origins of the holiday are quite disturbing

The origins of the holiday are quite disturbing

8Seeing boring romantic movies in theaters with your date

Seeing boring romantic movies in theaters with your date

9Secret admirers are essentially stalkers

Secret admirers are essentially stalkers

10Cupid is almost evil

Cupid is almost evil



12It'™s just a corporate cash grab


13All your friends ditch you for their dates

14The amount of chocolate bought by Americans on Valentine's Day is almost half as heavy as the Titanic

The amount of chocolate bought by Americans on Valentine

15It is anti-single

16Not receiving any kind of gift, even if you give something away

17People leaving you the day after

18Bad tasting chocolate gifts

Bad tasting chocolate gifts

19Not receiving Valentine's cards in your classroom

Not receiving Valentine

20People have lost the point

21Oversized stuffed animals that won't fit in your bedroom door

Oversized stuffed animals that won

22Valentine's Day is becoming more sexualized

23People take it too seriously

24Expectations are too high

25People don't give cards for fun

26It's a Christianised version of Roman pagan celebration of Lupercalia

27Saint Valentine had nothing to do with the original pagan celebration