Top 10 Things Mary Sues Aren't

1It is not simply a character you hate

2It is not a particularly attractive/fair-featured OC

3It is not simply the protagonist of a fanfiction

4It is not when an author self-inserts

5It is not a character who simply never loses

6It is not simply a very friendly character

7It is not a character with a particular talent

8It is not just a particularly intelligent character

9It is not a character with a cool weapon or two

10It is not a character who acts as a mouthpiece for the author's political/religious views

11It'™s not just a brightly colored character

12It'™s not just a character that is a higher-up figure (princess, president, etc)

13It is not simply a character with a unique name

14It is not exclusive to female characters

15It is not simply a character who has a tragic backstory

16It's not always someone who is optimistic about life.

17It's not always a character with a unique power.

18It is not always an emo kid

19It is not simply a character who's part of a prophecy

20It is not always a character who has magic or has connections to magic

21They're not always good in terms of morality.

22It's not always a girly-girl.

23It's not always someone who causes the popular person to fall for them.

24It's not always a blonde.

25It's not always a recolored canon character.