Top Ten Cutest Steven Universe Couples

1Ruby and Sapphire

Ruby and Sapphire

2Steven and Connie

Steven and Connie

3Pearl and Amethyst

Pearl and Amethyst

4Greg and Rose

Greg and Rose

5Peridot and Lapis

Peridot and Lapis

6Lars and Sadie

Lars and Sadie

7Vidalia and Yellowtail

Vidalia and Yellowtail

8Leggy and Navy (Rubies)

9Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl

Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl

10Jenny and Sour Cream

Jenny and Sour Cream

11Blue and Yellow Zircon

12Kiki and Ronaldo

Kiki and Ronaldo

13Yellow and Blue Diamond

Yellow and Blue Diamond

14Bismuth and Pearl

Bismuth and Pearl

15Amethyst and Peridot

Amethyst and Peridot

16Pearl and Pink Pearl

Pearl and Pink Pearl

17Pearl and Rose

Pearl and Rose

18Pearl and Mystery Girl

Pearl and Mystery Girl

19Kevin and Death

20Spinel and Pink Pearl

21Pearl and Pink Diamond

22Jamie and Kevin

Jamie and Kevin

23Spinel and Steven

24Pearl and Peridot

Pearl and Peridot

25Jasper and Lapis

26Bismuth and Biggs

27Heaven Beetle and Earth Beetle

28Aquamarine and Eyeball

29Pearl and Lapis

Pearl and Lapis

30Sadie and Shep

Sadie and Shep

31Steven and Amethyst

32Steven and Peridot

Steven and Peridot

33Lion and Steven Cat (Sapphire and Ruby's Cat)

34Lars and Emerald

35Jamie and Spinel