Top 10 Reasons People Dislike Emos

1They're troubled and proud

2They say their life sucks and then cut themselves to make it worse

3They say they like "metal" but the bands they like aren't

4They self diagnose

5They are obsessed with anime

6They always talk suicide

7They try too hard to be random

8They get butthurt over small things

9They're posers

10They say, "I can do what I want, cause I'm emo"

11They're depressed stereotypes

12They give a bad name to -insert band-

13They're compliment fishermen

14They're hypocrites

15They use being emo as an excuse to complain

16They complain about the "popular kids"

17They're not greatful that people care about them

18They say, "OMG don't look at me like that"

19They don't know any actual emo bands

20They act like they're better than everyone

21They claim non-emo bands are emo

22Their appearance

23They find a way to make everything about themselves

24They're obsessed with being emo

25They're downer

26They exhibit plain stupidity

27They make fun of mainstream music

28They say that they suffer the most

29They act like it's a culture

30They make you feel horrible about yourself when they don't get their way

31They drink bleach

32They're horrible stereotypes

33They want their friends to be emo

34They're always playing fake emotions when they're really fine

35They need to be special