Top Ten Worst Things About Growing Up With Overprotective Parents

1They still make you call them "Mommy" and "Daddy," and yell at you for trying to call them Mom and Dad, even when you are 13.

They still make you call them "Mommy" and "Daddy," and yell at you for trying to call them Mom and Dad, even when you are 13.

2Not being near people with a different gender

Not being near people with a different gender

3No friends allowed

No friends allowed

4Even if you are allowed to have friends, no socializing outside of school

5Be at school 20 minutes early, and your mom must stay with you until you reach your classroom

6No staying up at all, even 1 minute, even on weekends, even during summer

7You aren't allowed to watch PG-13 movies, even when you are older than 13.

You aren

8No talking to friends after school, even if your parents are reluctant to leave.

9They clean your room constantly, even if it is already clean

10They won't let you wear certain clothes

They won

11They won't let you play violent video games

They won

12They won't let you watch certain videos on YouTube

They won

13They overreact when you touch something dirty

They overreact when you touch something dirty

14They make you feel a lot younger than your classmates

They make you feel a lot younger than your classmates

15They won't let you do chores, even if you want to, because they don't trust you with the money they know they will have to pay you.

16They won't let you be yourself

17They think that eating more healthy food can cause health problems

They think that eating more healthy food can cause health problems

18They are superstitious

They are superstitious

19They confine you in the house all the time

They confine you in the house all the time

20They won't let you watch "violent" or "weird" shows/animes

21They won't explain properly

22They think that being outdoors for 1 second will lead to a bad sunburn

They think that being outdoors for 1 second will lead to a bad sunburn

23They won't let you spend the night at friend's houses

24They always want to know about your friends

25They don't let you have a social life

26They think that you can be the victim of anything

27They think that you are too stupid to know basic safety rules and constantly remind you about them

28They won't let you go places by yourself

29They treat everything wrong you do like it'™s the end of the world

30They double and triple check to see if anything'™s locked, off, or may have been forgotten before leaving the house

31They constantly clean the house

32They always ask about your school life

33They say too much of something is bad for you

34They won't let you carpool with relatives

35They think that every toy can be dangerous