14Ones who believe all video games are violent and should be banned
15Socialists / Anti-Capitalists
16Ones who call others transphobic for assuming their pet's gender
17Gender is a social construct community
18Ones who insist certain movies, TV shows, and games are absolute masterpieces just because they feature a female, people of color, or other "minority"
19Ones who think bi, pan, trans, and ace people should be excluded from the LGBTQ+ community
20Ones who worship certain actors, politicians, journalists, etc. just because that person is SJW themselves
21Fat acceptance movement
22Ones who were actual victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. who are just mean.
23Ones who write essays on your comment sections
24Ones who harass people of color for dating white people
25Ones who say men should have sex with a woman if she asks