Top 10 Saddest Warrior Cats Moments

1Crookedstar's Mom "abandons" Crookedstar


2Firestar's death


3Mapleshade's life story


4Dovewing's birth


5Gray Wing's death

Gray Wing

6Bluestar gives up her kits for the sake of ThunderClan

Bluestar gives up her kits for the sake of ThunderClan

7Feathertail's death


8Cinderpelt's death


9Yellowfang's death in the ThunderClan fire


10Jayfeather leaves Half Moon

Jayfeather leaves Half Moon

11Twigkit and Violetkit's first gathering when they get split up

Twigkit and Violetkit

12Leafpool's death between books


13Brightheart mauled by dogs

Brightheart mauled by dogs

14Willowbreeze and Crookedstar's kits die of sickness

Willowbreeze and Crookedstar

15Graystripe goes into Riverclan

16Snowfur dies and Bluefur has to tell Whitekit about it

17Hollyleaf's real death


18Snowfur's death

19Swiftpaw's death and Brightheart's mauling

20Ivypool's birth

21Badgerfang's death

22Sandgorse's death

23Snowkit's death

24Jackdaw's Cry and Falling Feather kill each other

25Bluestar names Brightheart Lostface

26Moonflower's death

27Crowfeather attempts suicide to be with Feathertail

28Stonefur's death

29Mosskit's death

30Millie is cruel and rude to Blossomfall

31Crookedstar talks to Silverstream for the first time

32Hollyleaf sacrifices herself for Ivypool

33Cinderpelt gets hit by a monster

34Feathertail sacrifices herself to kill the Sharptooth

35Ashfur's suffering