Top Ten Worst Kinds of People Who Play Super Mario Maker

1People who don't star any levels no matter how good they think they are

People who don

2People who take 5 minutes or less to make a level

3People who only make troll levels

4People who leave troll comments on levels

5People who star very stupid levels

6People who steal other people's ideas

7People who only make auto levels

8People who constantly beg you to play their levels

9People who only make levels for the sake of it

10People that only use Japanese language

11People who only make Kaizo levels

12People who only make easy levels

13People who make music levels

14Nintendo workers that add people like Mary O.

15People who make levels that have something to kill you almost immediately when you start

16People who spam creations of World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros.

17People who make impossible boss rush levels

18People who make auto-levels

19People who make levels that spam hard challenges and enemies

20People who only publish underwater levels

21People who make Refreshing Special levels

22People who don't know how to make hard levels, so they just spam enemies everywhere

23People who spam Hammer Bros.

24People who make a collection of costumes

25People who make levels that give you tons of power-ups

26People who make levels with repeated "random doors"