Top 10 Best Naruto Scenes

1Obito Reveals the Truth About Itachi

2Itachi and Sasuke Fight

3Pain vs. Naruto

4Naruto vs. Sasuke Fight

5Naruto vs. Gaara Fight

6Obito Gives Kakashi His Sharingan Eye

7Gaara's Revival

8Minato vs. Obito (During Nine-Tails Attack)

9Obito Repents

10Tobi Asks Deidara if His Art is a "Ripoff"

11Pain Uses Almighty Push and Destroys the Leaf Village

12Itachi and Kisame Invade Leaf Village (1st Time)

13Obito Reveals His Real Voice After Toying with the Eight-Man Squad

14Jiraiya's Death

15Neji vs. Naruto

16Haku vs. Naruto and Sasuke (Naruto Awakens the Nine-Tails)

17Rock Lee vs. Gaara

18Kimimaro vs. Naruto, Rock Lee, and Gaara

19Naruto and Kushina Meet

20Itachi's Last Words to Sasuke

21The Real Madara is Revealed

22Naruto and Kurama Become Friends

23Naruto Returns After "Making Friends" with Nagato

24Naruto's Last Words to His Father

25Hinata Protects Naruto

26Naruto Attempts to Remove the Seal and Minato Stops Him

27Might Guy Uses Night Guy

28Sakura Protects Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee

29Zabuza's Repentance

30Naruto and the Toads are Summoned by Shima to Fight Pain

31Asuma's Spirit Appears

32Itachi's Story

33Neji vs. Hinata

34Gaara Reconciles with His Father

35Zetsu's "Hello"