Top Ten Worst Things WWE Has Done

1Go PG

2Kill Owen Hart With a Malfunctioning Harness

3Repeat Matches

4Not Push New Talent

5Support SOPA

6Replace ECW with NXT

7Replace PPVs

8Get Sued by Pandas

9Erase Chris Benoit from WWE's History

10Turns Their Network Into a Pump-and-Dump Scam

11Make RAW Run 3 Hours

12Bully Their Employees

13Botch the Invasion Storyline

14Not Bring Back WCW

15End Undertaker's Undefeated Wrestlemania Streak

16Repeatedly Screw Over Daniel Bryan

17Ignore the Fans

18Underpush Cesaro

19Devalue the Titles

20Create the XFL

21Overpush Charlotte Flair

22Reduce the Meaning of Divas

23Overpush AJ Lee

24Bury Talents Using John Cena

25Shove Roman Reigns Down Our Throats

26Not Bring Back the Old Titles and Instead Replace Them With Crap

27Take Away Masked Kane

28Have the People Power Era

29Make Randy Orton the Face of WWE

30Insult Fans Who Bought Pay-Per-Views

31Have Roman Reigns Main Event 4 Wrestlemanias In a Row

32Make CM Punk the Longest WWE Champion

33Ambush of Daniel

34Have Triple H Turn Heel

35Hire John Cena