Top 10 Things Wrong with Warrior Cats

1Erin Hunter not giving Hollyleaf a power just because they couldn't think of a power for her

2ThunderClan always being the hero while other clans especially ShadowClan are always the enemies

3Too many forbidden couples

4Erin Hunter brought back Hollyleaf just to kill her in the next book

5The Warrior Code itself

6Cats being able to talk within days of birth

7Impossible genes

8Code changes

9So many cats in ThunderClan

10The Warrior Code is broken so many times

11A very repetitive plot


13StarClan being biased

14No gay couples

15Dovewing being the third cat when she did almost nothing

16Firestar being part of almost every prophecy

17Ashfur being accepted by StarClan

18Too predictable

19Spottedleaf stalking Firestar even though she's dead

20Names that don't make sense

21How much walking they do in The New Prophecy (TNP)

22The Erins not being able to decide on colors (e.g. Crowfeather's eyes, Dovewing's eyes, Scourge's collar, Bone's collar...)

23Snowkit dies just to move Speckletail to the elders' den

24Mapleshade going to the Dark Forest

25Tigerstar losing all his lives when Scourge killed him, yet Firestar only loses one.

26Spottedleaf having a gross crush on Firepaw


28For some reason the clans aren't united into one clan even though it would end all the drama in the series and make the group stronger.

29Cats being able to die in Starclan/Dark Forest

30Pinestar is older than Leopardfoot, and her parents

31Why is there even a Dark Forest?

32Too many books and not enough story

33Names like FeatherFeather are possible

34Mothflight got pregnant at 6-7 moons old

35Brightflower gives birth to Marigoldkit and Mintkit when her first daughter, Yellowfang is already an elder