Top 10 Greatest Battles in History

1Battle of Saragarhi (Tirah Campaign, 1897)

2Battle of Stalingrad (World War II, 1942-43)

3Operation Overlord (World War II, 1944)

4Battle of Britain (World War II, 1940)

5Battle of Yorktown (American Revolutionary War, 1781)

6Battle of Hastings (Norman Conquest of England, 1066)

7Battle of Waterloo (Napoleonic Wars, 1815)

8Battle of Thermopylae (Greco-Persian Wars, 480 BC)

9Battle of Midway (World War II, 1942)

10Battle of Kursk (World War II, 1943)

11Battle of Berlin (World War II, 1945)

12Battle of Iwo Jima (World War II, 1945)

13Battle of the Somme (World War I, 1916)

14Battle of Arnhem (World War II, 1944)

15Fall of Constantinople (Ottoman-Byzantine War, 1453)

16Tet Offensive (Vietnam War, 1968)

17Battle of Verdun (World War I, 1916)

18Battle of the Bulge (World War II, 1944-45)

19Battle of Gallipoli (World War I, 1915-16)

20Battle of Cannae (Second Punic War, 216 BC)

Battle of Cannae (Second Punic War, 216 BC)

21Battle of Troy (Trojan War, around 1200 BC)

22Battle of Moscow (World War II, 1941)

23Battle of Yarmouk (Rashidun Caliphate-Eastern Roman Empire, 636)

24Battle of Gaugamela (Wars of Alexander the Great, 331 BC)

25Battle of the Chesapeake (American Revolutionary War, 1781)

26Battle of Austerlitz (War of the Third Coalition, 1805)

27Battle of Rezang La (Sino-Indian War, 1962)

Battle of Rezang La (Sino-Indian War, 1962)

28Battle of Zama (Second Punic War, 202 BC)

29Battle of Crécy (Hundred Years' War, 1346)

30Battle of Badr (Muslim-Quraish Wars, 624)

31Battle of Trafalgar (Napoleonic Wars, 1805)

32Battle of Vienna (Great Turkish War, 1683)

33Battle of Leipzig (Napoleonic Wars, 1813)

34Battle of Kadesh (Egyptian-Hittite Wars, 1274 BC)

35Battle of Antietam (American Civil War, 1862)