Top 10 Worst Things About American Idol

1They change good songs into their own style and make them worse in the process

2The winner is decided by desperate girls with nothing else to do but vote for the hottest guy

3Some of the most talented contestants get voted off

4Too many commercials

5Paula and Simon left

6Ryan Seacrest is the host

7The auditions are the only interesting part to watch

8Very few winners have a sustained career

9They brought the save late in the show's history

10The voting is rigged

11Most of the contestants can't sing

12Everyone is emotional

13It's boring

14It's too long

15Too many country singers

16They started allowing instruments

17Nicki Minaj was a judge

18They do nothing badass

19The show's music is bad

20The best performers do not always win

21Bias against original songs

22Pushes subpar music into the industry

23The bad auditions

24Rampant product placement

25The screeching audience