Top Ten Worst Types of People in the Movie Theater

1The spoiler

2The talker

3The shusher

4The one who brings little kids to mature movies

5The person with so many snacks

6The person who has to keep going the bathroom

7The emotional one

8The tall person in front of you

9The singer

10The end of the movie clapper

11The constant laugher

12The complainer

13The texter

14The farter

15The loud eater

16The crying child

17The excessively romantic couple

18The person who brings a dog

19The loud child

20The gangster

21The person who makes jokes during scary movies

22The popcorn thrower

23The people who keep criticizing tall people

24The impatient kid

25The seat kicker

26The grunter

27The person who yells "shut up!"

28The person who brings up politics

29The drink slurper

30The matter-of-fact guy

31The snorer

32The critic

33The drunk

34The cusser

35The cougher