Top 10 Best Things to Say After You Fart

1Who farted?

2Pardon, but who just died? It smells like a rotting corpse in here!

3All things must pass

All things must pass

4I may or may not have farted out a rainbow, because I'm a unicorn!

I may or may not have farted out a rainbow, because I

5There goes my lunch from yesterday!

There goes my lunch from yesterday!

6Oh, smells like I just farted out NyQuil, time to go to sleep!

7He who smelt it, dealt it

He who smelt it, dealt it

8Shut up, Meg

Shut up, Meg

9Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

10Speak to me, oh toothless one. Share your wisdom.

11Do you smell cookies?

Do you smell cookies?

12Ohh yeah

13Did I just fart and unveil my secret that I am a unicorn? Oh, whoops...

Did I just fart and unveil my secret that I am a unicorn? Oh, whoops...

14It was me!

15If you were stuck in there, you'd want out too

16R.I.P me

17That's gonna itch when it dries

18Did you hear that?!

19Little too much choke, I think I flooded it

20Whoops, I sharted!

21I think I farted so loud, the people in China could hear me

I think I farted so loud, the people in China could hear me

22Did that impress you baby?

23Your voice my be deeper, but my breath is better

24Sorry dude I had to let it out

25Let's have a smell, all right? Oh, everyone likes their own brand, don't they? Oh, this is magic! Hmmm, wafting, wafting. Ok, analysis. Ooh, smells like carrots in throw-up! Oh that could gag a maggot! It smells like hot sick ass in a dead carcass!

26Blame my lunch

27That was your mom!

That was your mom!


29That was two turds fighting, one knocked the breath out of the other

30Excuse me

31Your voice is changing but your breath's the same

32Oops. I caused an explosion

33I'm sorry, [person's name]

34That isn't me. must be you.

35Wow, sounds like SOMEONE blew a raspberry on a baby's stomach. Or maybe they just dumped.