Top Ten Most Annoying Things Beauty Gurus Do On YouTube

1Overdo the cutesy

2Talk for five minutes before giving you the information the video promised

3Make too many sponsored videos

4Not put effort into their videos

5Have the same, generic outfits

6Try too hard to be "dorky" or "nerdy"

7Come off as extremely shallow

8Use and wear only wildly expensive brands

9Wear too much makeup and call it "natural"

10Repeat the same video ideas

11Think they are so attractive when they aren't

12Use unprofessional background music

13Make their videos really bright

14Act spoiled

15Talk about going back to drugstore products like it's a bad thing or an end all

16Expectation vs. reality videos

17Copy other videos

18Beg for subscribers

19Put on way too much makeup

20Be dumb on purpose

21Talk too fast

22Look at themselves in the view finder all the time

23Try to act goofy/funny to seem interesting

24Talking in 3rd person

25Poorly edit

26Little poses or dances

27Make stupid faces into the camera

28Overuse of same adverbs

29Make fun of other people

30Get full when they eat a salad and a cute little Starbucks drink

31Being super loud randomly! it hurts your ears

32Whine about a wrong Starbucks order

33Think their life is so great

34Pretending to love dumb items.

35They get jealous at other beauty gurus