Top 10 Best Yo Mama So Poor Jokes

1Yo mama so poor, her T.V. has two channels: ON and OFF.

2Yo mama so poor, I swatted a firefly and she said, "Who turned off the lights?"

3Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention

4Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk

5Yo mama so poor when I saw her walking down the street with one shoe on I said "I think you lost a shoe" but she goes "nah I found one"

6Yo mama so poor I visited her trailer and two cockroaches tripped me and a rat tried to steal my wallet

7Yo mama so poor that when I stayed for dinner there were three beans on the table. I took one and she said don't be greedy.

8Yo mama so poor that when she saw a take a penny tray she said, I can't afford that

9Yo mama so poor, I saw her moving cans around in an alley, asked what she was doing, and she said, remodeling.

10Yo mama so poor, she goes to KFC to lick people's fingers

11Yo mama so poor she couldn't afford a condom and gave birth to you.

12Yo mama so poor, I saw her banging on a trash can, asked what she was doing, and she said, "My kids locked me out."

13Yo mama so poor she hangs the used toilet paper out to dry

14Yo mama so poor she went McDonalds for free wifi

15Yo mama so poor she has the ducks throw bread at her

16Yo mama so poor, when I spat on floor she jumped and yelled "swimming pool"

17Yo mama so poor she has to wash paper plates

18Yo mama so poor she can't even afford to go to the free clinic

19Yo mama so poor she chases the garbage truck with a shopping list

20Yo mama so poor, her address is This Side Up.

21Yo mama so poor that on Christmas Day, your family watched a video of other kids opening presents.

22Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush

23Yo mama so poor she had to squeeze her own milk out for her children to have cereal

24Yo mama so poor I went through her front door and tripped over the back fence

25Yo mama so poor, she steals air from a bum

26Yo mama so poor she died

27Yo mama so poor, I asked what was for dinner and she cocked a shotgun and said, "Next one who moves."

28Yo mama so poor I visited her house, tore down the cob webs, and she screamed, "Who's tearing down the drapes!"

29Yo mama so poor, her Welcome mat doesn't say Welcome; it says Welfare.

30Yo mama so poor the building society repossessed her cardboard box

31Yo mama so poor that she when the guy at McDonald's gave her 15 cents back she yelled, "It's Treasure!"

32Yo mama so poor, she steals oranges from people's trees, eats the fruit, and uses the skin for a bra.

33Yo mama so poor she opened a Gmail account so she could eat the spam

34Yo mama so poor she tried to steal a free sample

35Yo mama so poor that when I saw her kicking a can down the street and asked what she was doing and she said moving