Top 10 Best Ducktales Episodes

1Master of The Djinni

Master of The Djinni



3The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose

4The Treasure of The Golden Sun: Too Much of a Gold Thing



6Micro Ducks from Outer Space

Micro Ducks from Outer Space

7The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Don't Give Up the Ship

The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Don

8Where No Duck Has Gone Before

Where No Duck Has Gone Before

9Down and Out in Duckburg

Down and Out in Duckburg

10Home Sweet Homer

Home Sweet Homer

11The Curse of Castle McDuck

12Catch as Cash Can

Catch as Cash Can

13The Good Muddahs

The Good Muddahs

14The Duck in the Iron Mask

The Duck in the Iron Mask

15Sir Gyro De Gearloose

Sir Gyro De Gearloose

16Once Upon a Dime

Once Upon a Dime

17Duck to the Future

18The Money Vanishes

19Raiders of the Lost Harp

20The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Wronguay in Ronguay

21Back to the Klondike

Back to the Klondike

22The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Three Ducks of the Condor

23The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Cold Duck

24Super DuckTales

25Hotel Von Schnabel

26Send in the Clones

27Robot Robbers

Robot Robbers

28Ducky Horror Picture Show

Ducky Horror Picture Show


30Attack of the Fifty-Foot Webby

Attack of the Fifty-Foot Webby

31Attack of the Metal Mites

32Magica's Shadow War


33The Unbreakable Bin

34The Masked Mallard

35The Bride Wore Stripes