Top 10 One-Time Simpsons Characters

1Frank Grimes - Homer's Enemy

Frank Grimes - Homer

2Hank Scorpio - You Only Move Twice

Hank Scorpio - You Only Move Twice

3Mr. Bergstrom - Lisa's Substitute

Mr. Bergstrom - Lisa

4Mindy Simmons - The Last Temptation Of Homer

Mindy Simmons - The Last Temptation Of Homer

5Jessica Lovejoy - Bart's Girlfriend

Jessica Lovejoy - Bart

6Larry Burns - Burns, Baby Burns

7Jacques - Life On the Fast Lane

8Lucille Botzcowski - Some Enchanted Evening

9Allison Taylor - Lisa's Rival

10Russ Cargill - The Simpsons Movie

Russ Cargill - The Simpsons Movie

11Lyle Lanley - Marge vs. the Monorail

Lyle Lanley - Marge vs. the Monorail

12Karl - Simpson and Delilah

13John - Homer'?s Phobia

14Colin - The Simpsons Movie

15Hugo Simpson - Treehouse of Horror VII

Hugo Simpson - Treehouse of Horror VII

16Leon Kompowski - Stark Raving Dad

17Frank Grimes Jr. - The Great Louse Detective

18Laura Powers - New Kid on the Block

19Red Barclay - Maximum Homerdrive

20Señor Ding Dong - Maximum Homerdrive

21Cooder and Spud - Bart Carny

22Poochie - The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show

23Shary Bobbins - Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(D'oh)cious

24She's The Fastest - Two Dozen and One Greyhounds

25Roy - The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show

26Tom - Brother from the Same Planet

27Pepi - Brother from the Same Planet