Top Ten Religious Misconceptions

1Jesus was born on Dec 25th

2The word "Jihad" means "holy war"

3Christians are homophobic

4The Quran promises martyrs 72 virgins in heaven

5The historical Buddha was obese

6The Buddha is a god

7There were 3 kings who visited the baby Jesus

8Jesus was white with blue eyes

9The Pope is infallible

10Jonah was swallowed by a whale

11Allah is a moon god

12Mormons are polygamists

13The forbidden fruit was an apple

14Catholics worship the Pope and the saints

15Christians are not allowed to listen to heavy metal

16Jesus was handsome

17The immaculate conception is related to the birth of Jesus

18The age of majority in the bible is 20

19Jesus was trying to form his own religion

20Jesus wrote the bible

21God sends people to hell

22The Devil had horns, goats legs, pitch fork, and red skin.

23Hell is in the Bible

24God hates Halloween

25Satanists worship Satan

26Heaven is full of clouds

27All angels are female