Top 10 Problems With Mario Kart Tour

1The gold pass

2Daily limit on experience points

3Daily limit on coins in races

4Lack of variety in courses

5No multiplayer

6The pipe

7Rubies are few and far between

8Having to wait to play later cups

9It's essentially pay to win

10No Luigi

11Non-stop vehicles

12The game tricking you

13Gameplay is in portrait instead of landscape

14Rubies are expensive

15Sometimes the CPUs have inappropriate names

16Not getting enough points for grand stars

17Wonky controls

18The annoying AI

19You always get duplicates from the pipe

20Unfair AI abilities

21Frenzies for lower placing items

22Too repetitive

23The new tracks

24Drifting too much

25Playing a Mario game without starting as the main characters that have been in many Mario Kart Games, Including the main character Mario himself

26Lack of originality

27You have to sign into a Nintendo account to play