Top Ten Questions to Ask About the Star Wars Original Trilogy After Watching the Sequel Trilogy

1How did Palpatine concieve children (and grandchildren)?

How did Palpatine concieve children (and grandchildren)?

2How was Anakin's original lightsaber recovered?

3How did Palpatine survive his presumed demise on the second Death Star?

4When did Luke start training possible future Jedi?

5When did Han and Leia marry and have a kid?

6How did the second Death Star's remnants land on a moon?

7How did the Millenium Falcon end up on Jakku?

8Could Palpatine have used his extreme powers earlier?

9Could the newer Force abilities have made a difference in the original (and even prequel) trilogies?

10How did C-3PO gain a red arm?

11Where were the Sith Eternal before?