Top 10 Dumbest Things Celebrities Have Said

1Everything bad that can happen to a person has happened to me - Paris Hilton

2Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would've been a Belieber. - Justin Bieber talking about Anne Frank

3Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken of the Sea'.. - Jessica Simpson

4I've never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don't like eating fish and I know that's very popular out there in Africa - Britney Spears

5...But the first time I was in a Gucci store in Chicago was the closest I felt to home. - Kanye West

6Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough. - Amanda Bynes talking about Rihanna

7I'd rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a tin. - Gwyneth Paltrow

8I've always thought Marilyn Monroe looked fabulous, but I'd kill myself if I was that fat. - Elizabeth Hurley

9My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see me perform. - Kanye West

10I feel like the Kurt Cobain of my generation. - Justin Bieber

11Stretch marks are my biggest fear of life. - Kim Kardashian

12What's Wal-Mart? Where they sell like, walls and stuff? - Paris Hilton

13WHALE SHARKS'¦ so that must be when a whale and a shark have sex. Then I think "Well, how does a whale and a shark have sex?" - Tara Reid

14I think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

15So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year? - Christina Aguilera

16Whatever they have in Korea, that's bad. - Justin Bieber

17Nothing tastes as good as being skinny - Kate Moss

18I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with hitting a woman - Sean Connery

19I think that the film clueless was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it'™s true lightness. - Alicia Silverstone

20He speaks English, Spanish, and he's bilingual too. - Don King

21We're more popular than Jesus now - John Lennon

22Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost an important part of your life. - Brooke Shields

23You don't know the history of psychiatry, I do - Tom Cruise

24I don't like big balls on a dog. - Kim Kardashian

25How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real? - Jaden Smith

26Everything happens for a reason - Justin Bieber

27You ain't got the answers! - Kanye West

28Poland is in Russia - Justin Bieber

29You can discover everything you need to know about everything by looking at your hands. - Jaden Smith

30Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. - Barack Obama

31If you have a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. - Barack Obama

32I have decided in 2020 to run for president - Kanye West

33I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet. - David Beckham

34There'™s an old saying in Tennessee - I know it'™s in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again. - George W. Bush

35First my mother was Spanish, then she became a Jehovah's witness - Geri Halliwell