Top 10 Things We Most Want to See in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2

1Zelda as a playable character

2Ditch the weapon durability system

3Return of themed dungeon levels

4Ability to control the weather

5Proper motion control

6No forced stealth sections

7Enable the Master Cycle Zero early in the game

8Return of Ganondorf

9Return of the hookshot

10Building restoration

11Weapon stores

12Ability to join the evil side

13Hearing Link's voice

14Ability to swim underwater

15New champions

16A Korok Champion

17More types of enemies

18How Zelda's mother died

19Keep the weapon durability system

20Elemental attack that does extra damage to electric enemies

21New story for Link

22The ocarina replaces the whistle

23Over world bosses in water

24Morshu making another appearance

Morshu making another appearance

25New Sheikah Slate runes

26Ability to play as the enemies

27Easier guardians

28Easy puzzle games

29Return of Kass