Top Ten Most Important Moments In and Aspects of Christianity

1The Resurrection of Jesus

2The Death of Jesus

The Death of Jesus

3The Birth of Jesus

4The First Sin

5The Sermon on the Mount

6The First Gospel Sermon

7The Fulfillment of Messanic Prophecy

8The Delivery of the Ten Commandments

9The Creation of the Universe

10The Annunciation to Mary About Her Divine Motherhood

11The Conversion of Paul

12The Creation of Adam

13The Enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt

14The Betrayal of God by the Devil

15Moses Parting the Red Sea

16The Council of Nicaea

The Council of Nicaea

17The Day of Pentecost

18The Catholic-Orthodox Schism

19The Protestant Reformation

20The Persecution of Early Christians

21Paul Writing His Letters

22The Crusades

The Crusades

23The Creation of Public Hospitals

24The Preaching of the Gospel in Ireland by St. Patrick

25Our Lady of Fátima

26The Battle of Lepanto

27The Battle of Vienna

28The Discovery of the Cross of Christ by Emperor Constantine's Mother

29The Conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity

30Armenia Officially Adopting Christianity