Top 10 Most Ridiculous COVID-19 Myths

15G causes coronavirus

2Children are immune to COVID-19

3COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe

4Drinking bleach can disinfect you from COVID-19

5Drinking alcohol can disinfect you from COVID-19

6Coronavirus is just like the cold or flu

7The virus was made in a lab

8Masks prevent you from catching COVID-19

9You can get poisoned by CO2 from wearing a mask

10COVID-19 does not exist

11Black people are immune to the coronavirus

12Vitamins can prevent you from catching COVID-19

13You can catch it from Corona beer

14Pets can spread COVID-19

15Scratching yourself can cause coronavirus

16COVID-19 virus is spread by chemtrails

17COVID-19 started in Corona, California

18Seasonal influenza is deadlier

19People who get the vaccine can stick a magnet on their arm

20It was caused by someone eating bat soup