Worst Pokemon Anime Cliches

1Ash loses the league

Ash loses the league

2"We are blasting off agaaain!!"

"We are blasting off agaaain!!"

3Pikachu beats everybody

Pikachu beats everybody

4Romantic subplots

Romantic subplots

5Every main character has a starter Pokemon

Every main character has a starter Pokemon

6Fire starters that Ash gets have been mistreated/ have a dark story/past revolved around them

Fire starters that Ash gets have been mistreated/ have a dark story/past revolved around them

7Beach episodes

8Ash is stupid in this season!

Ash is stupid in this season!

9One of the main characters gets a Pikachu clone

One of the main characters gets a Pikachu clone

10Main characters has an absent father

11Ash and co befriend a cute mythical/legendary Pokemon

Ash and co befriend a cute mythical/legendary Pokemon

12Ash never catches a legendary Pokemon

13No beach episode for Serena

14Female leads/companions love to shop

Female leads/companions love to shop

15We're off with a new blast

16Female companion based on girl protagonist; male companion based on a gym leader of some sort

17Always a stupid girl protagonist

18Contest related goals

19"It's Team Rocket!"

20Team Rocket constantly showing up and wasting Ash's time and the episode time.

21Some Pokémon get hardly any screen time over other Pokémon like Charizard and Greninja

22Ash is always 10

23Team Rocket Taking Over Pokemon Social Media Accounts

Team Rocket Taking Over Pokemon Social Media Accounts

24Ash doesn't kiss Dawn

25Subplots that get brought up and then abandoned

26Ash is dragged into movie plots

27Ash doesn't actually earn most of his battles