Top Ten Most Annoying Ways to Die in Minecraft

1Falling into lava while mining

2A creeper... well... creeping up on you

3Falling off high land


5Endermen teleporting towards you

6Ghast fireball

7Skeleton arrow

8Cave spider poisoning


10Lagging In PVP Mode

11Accidentally falling into a ravine or deep hole

12Getting killed by a hacker/griefer

13Fall in the void while fighting the Ender dragon

14Accidentally hitting a wolf

15Crushed by a magma cube

16Getting killed by Herobrine

17Dying in your own mob trap

18Getting stuck under ice and drowning

19Someone does /kill on you

20Spawning in the air

21Being trolled

22Being unable to change to your sword when you're building and a mob attacks

23Dying in a dungeon with diamonds

24Falling in a desert temple trap

25Trying to make a fire place but burning down your whole house

26Getting stuck in a web while fighting a spider

27Getting shot by Blaze

28Hit by an exploding creeper while running from mobs

29Death by exploding chicken

30Falling in lava

31Shooting yourself with a bow

32Falling off a jungle tree

33Getting diamonds but falling in lava

34A ton of zombies attack your village

35A creeper blowing you up just before you go to bed