Top Ten Most Annoying Disney Character Cliches

1Dumb Blonde

2Friends Who Treat Each Other Badly

3Arrogant Main Characters

4Younger Sibling is Better Than the Older Sibling

5Nerdy Freak

6Idiot Parents

7Flirty Boy Who Makes a Lot of Sexual Jokes

8Mean Cheerleaders

9Teenagers Pretending They Have Talent When They Don't

10Annoying Brother

11Twist Villain

12The Show-Off Who's Only Famous for Looks

13Sibling Yin Yang

14Parents are Dead

15Unfit Siblings

16Obnoxious Fat Girl

17Classic Fairytale Characterization Ruined

18Evil Stepmothers

Evil Stepmothers

19Mary Sues and Gary Stus

20Overprotective Dad

21Love-Hate Relationships

22The Princess

23Someone Starting Highschool and Wanting to Date a Jock

24Older Sibling is Better Than the Younger Sibling

25Making Autistic Characters as Comic Relief

26Outcasts Who Don't Fit In

27Love at First Sight

28Kissing at the End

29Evil Hyenas

Evil Hyenas

30Evil Uncle

31Villains that Look More Androgynous Than the Heroes

32Bratty, Rebellious Teenage Daughter

33Sexist Stereotypes

34SJW Feminist Propaganda

35Sassy Black Girl