Top Ten Worst Things About Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

1Sirius Black's death

2Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge

3The ignorance about Voldemort's return

4Dolores Umbridge making Harry carve "I Must Not Tell Lies" into his arm

5Dumbledore is forced to leave

6Harry getting expelled from Hogwarts

7Harry, Fred and George banned from Quidditch.

8Harry having to live with the Dursleys for one last summer

9Sirius wouldn't have died if Harry had used the mirror

10Harry's visions

11Draco and Pansy as Slytherin prefects

12Hagrid being driven away from the school

13Voldemort possessing Harry to attempt to get Dumbledore to kill him

14Harry's angstiness

15The Prophecy

16Harry losing his temper

17Sirius not asking Harry about the Mirror when he visited him and Remus in the Floo after Harry saw Snape's worst memory.

18Marietta Edgecombe

19Too mean spirited

20Snape's worst memory

21Umbridge was going to Crucio Harry

22Percy Weasley disowning his family

23Inquisitorial Squad

24Tonks is introduced

25Pansy Parkinson

Pansy Parkinson

26Percy Weasley's letter

27Educational decrees

28Harry's dreams

29Snape's teaching of Occlumency