Top Ten Reasons Why Sora Should Never Be In a Super Smash Bros. Game

1It will inspire Disney to get their hands on the series and acquire Nintendo in the future if he got in, like they did with Marvel and Lucasfilm.

2Sora is a Disney character, not Square-Enix

3Kingdom Hearts fans would try to beg for other characters from the franchise, even request Disney characters to be in the game.

4Kingdom Hearts involves Disney, which is 4th-party to the game developers. Thus, the requirement of a third-party guest has to originate from a video game first and not from a movie, TV show, et cetera.

5Kingdom Hearts is an awful franchise

6Knowing the other characters, Sora's moveset won't be that original and a giant key instead of a sword or something is just stupid.

7There are way better ideas for new characters in the next Super Smash Bros.

8Sora appearing will do nothing but inspire crossover fans to ship him with the other Smashers, creating rather disturbing het or yaoi pics that we don't want.

9And since Kingdom Hearts involves Disney, Sora's final smash would have to involve Donald and Goofy, or even summon Disney characters or have Disney characters as trophies.

10SSB's development team is named Project Sora, thus it would cause confusion.

11It would give the Super Smash Bros. universe a Disney connection, which we do not want.

12It would just be too hype and fans would die from excitement.

13Disney characters will become trophies, spirits, or assist trophies

14There are enough overpowered Square-Enix characters in already

15Twilight Town (or anything from Kingdom Hearts, really) is a horrible choice for a stage.

16If Sora gets into Kingdom Hearts, it will create a lasting bond with other companies.

17There will be a Sora amiibo made if this happens

18It increases the chances of Nintendo characters or other characters in the game to guest star in a Kingdom Hearts game

19The only Kingdom Hearts release on Nintendo console are spin-off and not the big numbered games.

20Kingdom Hearts' original characters will be added to the Spirit Board

21Nintendo will emulate Disney and continue to take their fans for granted

22Too many third party characters