Top Ten Most Annoying Things About the Generation III Pokemon Games

1Evolving Feebas into Milotic

2Finding Feebas

3Moves that only work in double battles

4Roaming legendaries with Roar

5The Emerald Match Call feature

6The Fire Red/Leaf Green evolution mechanic

7Getting paintings in the Lilycove Art Museum

8Not being able to rematch the Kanto Elite Four until you finish the Sevii Islands postgame sidequests

9Cannot run indoors

10Shiny Poochyena, Zigzagoon, and/or Ralts near the beginning of R/S/E

11Not being able to skip the catching tutorial in FireRed and LeafGreen

12Not being able to explore the rest of the ocean

13Not being able to get the Running Shoes until after beating Brock in FireRed and LeafGreen

14Too many trainers on routes in Emerald

15Not being able to trade Pokemon from Gen-2 or Gen-1