Top 10 Worst Moments from Arthur

1D.W. cries until Arthur agrees to let her come with him and Dad on their fishing trip (Cast Away)

2D.W. throws a massive tantrum and gets no punishment (D.W.'s Very Bad Mood)

3Arthur bullies Sue Ellen (So Funny I Forgot to Laugh)

4D.W. receives no punishment for wrecking Arthur's model plane (Arthur'™s Big Hit)

5Muffy makes a biased web video about Arthur (A is for Angry)

6D.W. tricks Vicita into using the swear word (Bleep)

7D.W. uses Arthur as a slave (For Whom the Bell Tolls)

8Muffy gets invited to stay with Francine and her family and acts rudely towards them (Poor Muffy)

9Francine abuses everyone during rehearsal (Francine Frensky Superstar)

10Muffy gets angry at Francine for not attending her Christmas party and then offends her by telling her that Hanukkah is not as important as Christmas (Arthur's Perfect Christmas)

11Buster steals a toy (Nerves of Steal)

12Buster makes fun of Arthur's glasses (Arthur's Eyes)

13The Tibbles break the Reaper model Arthur borrowed from Buster (Ungifted)

14George Lundgren acts mean and bossy to his friends (The Hallway Minotaur)

15Ladonna and her family move away (When Duty Calls)

16D.W throws a tantrum because her puffy unicorn crunch got eaten (Cereal)

17The Tibble Twins made fun of D.W. about her haircut (D.W., The Queen of the Comeback)

18The Tibble Twins wreck all of D.W.'™s toys (Never, Never, Never!)

19Mr. Ratburn comes out as gay (Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone)

20George is mean to his friends (The Hallway Minotaur)

21Francine calls Arthur four eyes (Arthur'™s Eyes)

22Fern bullies Francine and everybody joins in on it (Draw!)

23Francine gets sick in the school cafeteria after making fun of George'™s nosebleed (Vomitrocious!)

24D.W's mom makes fun of her and embarrasses her on purpose (Revenge of The Chip)

25Ladonna and her family leave Elwood City (When Duty Calls)

26George angrily yells at Ladonna for trying to check his name off her like list (Ladonna'™s Like List)

27Muffy is insensitive about Francine'™s grandmother'™s death (Listen Up)

28Mary Moo Cow gets cancelled (The Last of Mary Moo Cow)