Top 10 Best My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Episodes

1Twilight's Kingdom


2Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Crusaders of the Lost Mark

3The Perfect Pear

The Perfect Pear

4Magical Mystery Cure

Magical Mystery Cure

5Pinkie Pride

Pinkie Pride

6Hurricane Fluttershy

Hurricane Fluttershy

7The Return of Harmony

The Return of Harmony

8Amending Fences

Amending Fences

9Discordant Harmony

Discordant Harmony

10Lesson Zero

Lesson Zero

11MMMystery on the Friendship Express

MMMystery on the Friendship Express

12A Royal Problem

A Royal Problem

13The Big Mac Question

The Big Mac Question

14A Canterlot Wedding

A Canterlot Wedding

15Common Ground

Common Ground

16Castle Sweet Castle

Castle Sweet Castle

17Castle Mane-ia

Castle Mane-ia

18Stranger Than Fan Fiction

Stranger Than Fan Fiction

19Sonic Rainboom

Sonic Rainboom

20Wonderbolts Academy

Wonderbolts Academy



22Sleepless in Ponyville

Sleepless in Ponyville

23The Best Night Ever

The Best Night Ever

24To Where and Back Again

To Where and Back Again

25Tanks for the Memories

Tanks for the Memories

26Sounds of Silence

Sounds of Silence

27Flight to the Finish

Flight to the Finish

28Magic Duel

Magic Duel

29The Saddle Row Review

The Saddle Row Review

30It's About Time


31The Cutie Map

The Cutie Map

32The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

33Keep Calm & Flutter On

Keep Calm & Flutter On

34Princess Twilight Sparkle

35Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000